Business Cover Letter
Letter from employer or sponsoring company (plus one copy), on company letterhead, introducing the applicant, indicating the applicant’s employment status/position held in the company, and clearly stating the purpose of visit to Indonesia. The business letter must also indicate who will be financially responsible for the applicant, a guarantee of transportation, and must provide detailed […]
Proof of Travel Arrangements
Computer generated flight itinerary from the airline or a travel agency or copy of airline ticket showing entry and departure from Indonesia.
Other Requirements
New York jurisdiction for multiple entries the following must be included:The trading business license (SIUP).The tax payer registered number (NPWP).The company’s deed of establishment and ministerial approval.The company’s registration certificate.
Proof of Sufficient Funds
Evidence of sufficient funds to support stay in Indonesia; most recent bank statement.
Special Instructions
Multiple Entry visas are issued only after a copy of the complete application has been submitted directly to the Chief Immigration Officer in Lusaka by fax or e-mail for approval. Once approval is confirmed, please send the confirmation notification along with the passport and original visa application materials to Travisa for processing. Please allow at […]
Proof of Sufficient Funds
Most recent bank statement with a minimum balance of $700.00 (or $1,500 per family) to show as evidence of sufficient funds to support stay in Thailand. You must provide proof that you possess sufficient funds. Your financial details must: Include a copy of your most recent bank statement that clearly display your full name. Print […]
Business Cover Letter
Letter from employer or sponsoring company in the US, on company letterhead, introducing the applicant, indicating the applicant’s employment status/position held in the company, and clearly stating the purpose of visit . The business letter must also indicate who will be financially responsible for the applicant and must provide detailed contact information. The Consulate requires […]
Applicants Under the Age of 18
The application form signed by at least one parent, a copy of the parents’ passports, and a copy of the child’s birth certificate.If the minor child (under 18) is not traveling with both parents, a letter of consent authorizing the child’s other parent taking him or her to Kazakhstan signed by the non-accompanying parent(s) or […]
Other Forms
A letter of intent, addressed to the Consular Section of the Embassy of Kazakhstan. The letter must indicate the purpose of the trip, dates and places of visit, and contact information in Kazakhstan. The letter must request the particular visa type and validity requested and must be signed by the applicant.
Official Invitation
Official invitation from host company/organization in Kazakhstan. This letter must be submitted to the Department of Consular Services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Department of Consular Services must provide the host company with a reference number. A single entry visa can be issued for up to one month […]